Whether international treaty used as an important law origin of the international private law can be applied to the concerned-foreign affairs at a local court is a very important subject and practice matter in the international law theory. 国际条约作为国际私法一个重要的法律渊源,能否在一国国内法院涉外民商事审判中适用,在国际法理论中是一个十分重要的理论问题和实践问题。
The introductions and reviews on local law theory, the theory of governmental interest analysis, the theory of lex fori are unique compared with the prevailing views about them. 对本地法说、支配兴趣分析说、法院地法说的分析结论同国内冲突法学界的普遍观点大相径庭。
Local Langlands reciprocity law conjecture describes the deep connection be-tween the theory of representation of p-adic groups and number theory, and it isan important part of the Langlands program. 局部朗兰兹互反律猜想刻画了p-adic群的表示理论和数论之间的深刻联系,是朗兰兹纲领的重要组成部分。